EDC-enabled Data Management
Highly professional and capable data managers provide high-quality services in an expeditious manner.
We plan and implement data management projects in full compliance with GCP and GPSP with a particular focus on the validity of and consistency in the enormous amount of data. Through our thorough quality control, we provide high-quality data from the beginning to the end of all projects.
Overview of EDC Services
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Service Features
- Point 1.
- GCP, GPSP and regulation-compliant DM
- Point 2.
- High-quality and consistent service delivered by highly-skilled professionals with experience
- Point 3.
- IT-driven data management approach, e.g. EDC
Main Services with Details
We prepare the following draft documents:
- Data management operating procedure (plans)
- Data base design and development, entry system
- CRF checklist (reexamination requirements)
- Logic check specifications
- Logic check program
- Data entry and corrections, coding
- CRF check (logic and manual), reexamination request (queries)
- Clinical conference materials
- EDC system setup
- System validation
- Data management operating reports
We prepare the following draft documents:
- Data management operating procedure (plans)
- Data base design and development, entry system
- CRF checklist (reexamination requirements)
- Logic check specifications
- Logic check program
- Data entry and corrections, coding
- CRF check (logic and manual), reexamination request (queries)
- AEs data matching
- Coding data maintenance
- System validation
- Data management operating reports
- On-site data management service
- Data managers dispatch
For further information on
Ark Medical Solutions Inc.If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact UsArk Medical Solutions’s Scope of Service
Clinical Development Support Services
From OTC products to ethical drugs and medical devices, we provide complete coverage of the healthcare market
- Monitoring
- EDC-enabled Data Management
- Biostatistics
- Medical Writing
- Auditing/Self-inspection
- EDC Services
PMS Support Services
We provide various services to respond to the various PMS issues facing our clients.
- Patient Registration
- EDC-enabled Data Management
- Biostatistics
- Auditing/Self-inspection
- Medical Writing
- Auditing/Self-inspection
- EDC Services
DB Research/DB Survey
A wealth of experience in using real-world databases
Comprehensive support for database surveys/database research by highly professional staffPharmacovigilance (GVP)
Providing speedy and reliable pharmacovigilance service through our well-established team of highly skilled professionals in GVP operations.
ADDIN Series
ADDIN series, our EDC system which prioritize operability for physicians who are in charge of post-marketing surveillance, assures efficient and high quality data accumulation/progress management at your survey project.
ePRO (Patient Reported Outcomes System)
We provide optimal ePRO system for collection of patient outcome data.
Signal Management Service (Adverse Events Information Data Service)
We provide statistical analysis services for adverse event database systems and real-world data of various drugs by utilizing "FAERS" and "JADER," spontaneous adverse event databases collected/published by FDA and PMDA.